[FTL RP, WE'RE BACK, REBOOTED!] The Rogue Cadets

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Re: [FTL RP, WE'RE BACK, REBOOTED!] The Rogue Cadets

Postby Chickengames » Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:20 pm

What had gone down was not at all what Kyrie expected. She expected some unidentified alien but instead it was a lanius with some kind of device, and to top it off Jake had appeared and was talking to a rebel like they were old friends. Lux seemed to have forgotten the Lanius and had jumped to accusations of treason. Kyrie kept her rifle raised, now unsure of who to point it at.
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Re: [FTL RP, WE'RE BACK, REBOOTED!] The Rogue Cadets

Postby Jumbocarrot0 » Sat Jun 23, 2018 3:46 am

'Beautiful.' Sediment stared into space, 'beautiful' the only word he could describe it. He has never seen anything like it.
Occasionally he would try to contact someone through the comms, nothing responded but static. He would then go back to staring.

"How much time has passed?" He said aloud to himself, alone. He reached for the comms to try to contact someone again. "Let's see if this works, for, what? The 13th try?" He turned it on.
"This is Sediment of the Mutare, how may I..." Unlike the other times, someone replied.
"Sediment? This is King of the Scarab." King sounded relieved, "I've been trying to contact someone for an unknown amount of time."
"King? Wow, long time no see. How long has it been?' Sediment asked.
"What? This inquiry must be temporarily disregarded, there are more pressing matter. I'm not sure where those, things, are but they got Gorlag and my arm!"
"Wait, what are you talking about?"
"Have you not sighted the entities? They're all over the Scarab, they're trying to terminate us!"
Sediment was shocked, he was surprised that he never even heard these things that King claimed to have seen.
"Wha, what do they look like?" He asked, half afraid and half intrigued.
"From the brief interaction with..." Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Back to static.

Sediment was afraid, there were aliens on the Mutare that he didn't even know about. What if they got Jake, or Kyrie, or anyone else. He hasn't seen anyone, let alone stepped outside this room.
'Stale air? Are these... things King were talking about just Lanius? Or maybe they drain oxygen like Lanius?' Sediment decided to investigate, first grabbing a blaster pistol. He walked out of the helm, looking around the corner. He saw a Lanius, with a weapon of sorts. It was shivering, and muttering something, although it was hard to hear what. Sediment stepped out more and spoke. "Urr, hello Lanius. Ummm, we mean you no harm." He was unsure whether it even understood him, or even if it means harm.
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Re: [FTL RP, WE'RE BACK, REBOOTED!] The Rogue Cadets

Postby Whiskey » Sat Jun 23, 2018 12:44 pm

Dahl held his cryo-thrower with his right arm as he backed to the wall and slid down it into a sitting position. “Scared...monster...freeze” Dahl’s left shoulder had been deeply slashed by one of the creatures so he couldn’t hold his weapon properly and was worn out. “Scared...Rebels...take...Dahl” There was a long pause “Again”
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Re: [FTL RP, WE'RE BACK, REBOOTED!] The Rogue Cadets

Postby JakeCollins » Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:02 am

Jake was startled as more lights appeared in the darkness, but relieved once he realized it was just his friends. "Guys! Don't worry! They're on our side!" He explained everything the "moster" had told him, how they were from another universe, and how they thought we were attacking.
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Re: [FTL RP, WE'RE BACK, REBOOTED!] The Rogue Cadets

Postby Jumbocarrot0 » Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:41 pm

“Rebels?” Sediment questioned. This Lanius was obviously confused about where he was. “We are not a part of the Rebellion, and we defiently don’t want to take you.”


“Demon?” Grom asked the creatures. “What made you think that.”
One creature responded.
“Our kind live in the a bubble within your universe. It was thought for a long that beyond the bubble that vicous demons lie in wait.”
“Demons?” Grom asked. “Why did you think that?”
“That is what we believed. Demons that would tear apart our bubble.” One of the creatures continued. “When a beam of energy hit our bubble, it tore our world apart. As a last ditch attempt to save our kind, we used a transporter technology to leave our bubble.”
“Wow, that, shakes our understanding of, everything.”

Meanwhile, on a rebel ship...

“Trusting kids with top secret knowledge, idiots.” The rebel general remarked.
“You might be surprised about what they can do.” The Lanius replied.
“Well, I know what they can’t do, predict this happening.” Footsteps started circling the general. “What the? Oh, I think they're here, let me get back to you Lanius.” the general turned off the comms and turned around to spy a creature.
“Why hello!” he said. “No need to hide yourself, I know you're here.” the creature came out.
“... Armageddon... friendly?” The rebels basic translator could translate a few words from the creature.
“Armageddon? Well if you're referring to me I am definitely friendly, if anything I'm a saviour to this universe.”
“... no kill?...”
“Yes, I have no intention to kill.”
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Re: [FTL RP, WE'RE BACK, REBOOTED!] The Rogue Cadets

Postby stylesrj » Thu Jun 28, 2018 12:08 am

Lux still had her gun pointed at Jake as he explained the whole story. The creatures, the portal, the destruction... the Rebel he was talking to was a victim...
Slowly she lowered the blaster; however she did not holster it, her fingers close to the trigger. "This is a lot to take in" she said to him "But if your new friends turn out to be lying..."

Meanwhile on the Pelican, Eden was hearing voices coming from what was probably the helm. The slime within had taken shape and was proclaiming very harshly about its intent to kill... the pirate tried shooting at it only to have the blasts go right through, impacting with the deck plating.
"Destroy... intruders...!" the creature declared, shuffling slowly across the floor "Threats... to our space..."

Just so you know, these are not the same guys on the Mutare whom we've made First Contact with...
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Re: [FTL RP, WE'RE BACK, REBOOTED!] The Rogue Cadets

Postby Chickengames » Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:59 pm

Kyrie didn’t lower her rifle. “Well how about your new friends restore our ship and we can talk this over.” She turned her gun to the lanius. “And what about this lanius. How’d he get here? I think he said something about rebels.”
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Re: [FTL RP, WE'RE BACK, REBOOTED!] The Rogue Cadets

Postby Whiskey » Fri Jun 29, 2018 2:02 pm

Dahl spook. “Dahl...scared...Rebels...” He said “Rebels...take...Dahl...before...” Dahl was too worn out to put up a fight or be scared, just tired.
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Re: [FTL RP, WE'RE BACK, REBOOTED!] The Rogue Cadets

Postby JakeCollins » Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:49 pm

Jake started explaining, but the creature cut in to explain for itself. What they managed to piece together is that this civilization was in a small bubble universe orbiting inside a black hole, and when the lazer weapon was fired at their universe the civilization assumed it was an assault. The creatures of this civilization had, for thousands of years, thought of "The Outsiders" as demons.

"Can you call off your forces? Now that you know we're peaceful?" The rebel asked.

"While I am open minded to you people, our civilization has thought of you as grotesque monsters from hell since the dawn of our species." The creature replied.

"It will take plenty of convincing to tell these people that Satin is actually friendly..." Jake said.
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Re: [FTL RP, WE'RE BACK, REBOOTED!] The Rogue Cadets

Postby stylesrj » Thu Jul 05, 2018 11:58 pm

"I'm guessing the laser was pretty much the last straw..." Lux remarked when the discussion of the laser was brought up. No doubt they've been subjected to countless assaults from Rebel weaponry being dropped into their homes, weakening their protections, she thought to herself.
The internal communications system started to crackle to life; but through all the static there were only messages of death and destruction to all intruders.
"Something tells me those are not any of our friends" Lux said, raising her rifle at the nearest speaker.

Eden glared at the slime monster and its ability to ignore energy weaponry. "To anyone onboard the Pelican, our newest intruders are immune to our blasters. I recommend finding something else to throw at them and see what works" she tried saying over the comms, seeing if her message could get through; the same message from the slime seemed to be broadcast across the various ships in the area.