[MOD]Star Wars V1.3.1.02

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Re: [MOD]Star Wars V1.3.1.02

Postby Stormbringer » Wed Mar 22, 2017 7:18 am

The best thing about this mod is that enemies are strong too. good job with this one :mrgreen:
killin' slugs and beating Rebels since 2014, modding the game since 2016
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Re: [MOD]Star Wars V1.3.1.02

Postby Jord8 » Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:50 pm

I am quite impressed by some good features in this mod. It is really shame that the development ended many years ago and wasn't pushed further. And that's where I would like to come in to place!

I have some really great ideas for a full Star Wars universe overhaul mod. I have some good basics of FTL modding (even though I didn't release anything yet. I have some ship mods in development especially Star Wars ones).

By this message I would like to contact the creator of this mod The Swarm Lord himself. I love your modification and would like to take the good parts of it (like drone systems, sounds and some ships) and add new things like improved ship designs, boss Death Star, more custom sounds and images and custom events and crew. I will start working on the ships first waiting for your approval to use your modification or even you joining the project (I would be pleased).

This is also a message for everyone else who would like to see and play the modification. I am glad for any ideas, help or even cooperation. If anything just message me.

PS: I am currently working on a vanilla Venator-class Star Destroyer. It will become my current signature in a few days so be free to check it out :)
And this is just the begining!
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Re: [MOD]Star Wars V1.3.1.02

Postby NamesAreUseless » Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:43 pm

Jord8 wrote:Hi,
I am quite impressed by some good features in this mod. It is really shame that the development ended many years ago and wasn't pushed further. And that's where I would like to come in to place!

I have some really great ideas for a full Star Wars universe overhaul mod. I have some good basics of FTL modding (even though I didn't release anything yet. I have some ship mods in development especially Star Wars ones).

By this message I would like to contact the creator of this mod The Swarm Lord himself. I love your modification and would like to take the good parts of it (like drone systems, sounds and some ships) and add new things like improved ship designs, boss Death Star, more custom sounds and images and custom events and crew. I will start working on the ships first waiting for your approval to use your modification or even you joining the project (I would be pleased).

This is also a message for everyone else who would like to see and play the modification. I am glad for any ideas, help or even cooperation. If anything just message me.

PS: I am currently working on a vanilla Venator-class Star Destroyer. It will become my current signature in a few days so be free to check it out :)

Wow, never thought I'd hear from this Topic again. Man would I love a good Star War Total Conversion Mod of FTL ...

Back in 2016, I was considering the idea of taking on a huge modification of this Mod. After reassessing the amount of work required, and a lack of time (as is still the case, as I'm working with an Indie Development Team now), I decided to not move forward. However, that doesn't mean I didn't write any of my ideas down. I hope you'll take a look through it. It's not a complete set of ideas, and it certainly hasn't included any of the New Sequel Trilogy stuff in it (as there was very little at the time, and at this point, I don't think there is much worth taking from there considering how imaginatively bankrupt that Trilogy became).

Anyways, a few things to note:

  1. Consistency: There is no consistency to the Ship Images in terms of Quality. As I mentioned earlier in this Topic, and what I link to in my Google Doc, I strongly recommend using this DeviantArt User's Work for Ship Images. Obviously ask for permission first, and if you get it, you'll get a set consistency to all the Ships in this mod. unusualsuspex's DeviantArt Account includes Top Down Images of Capital Ships, Cruisters, Starfighters, etc, all from various Star Wars Eras.
  2. Scale: The scale is all over the place. A YT Freighter is basically the same size as a Lucrehulk in this Mod, it's absurd! In my document, you'll see that a YT-Frieghter should be the starting Ship Group. If you're going to include Capital Ship, a YT Freighter should be TINY, and really the only advantage it should have is in Evasion. As per the Films, the Millenium Falcon was all about weaving and avoiding blasts, not going toe-to-toe with weapons comparable to a Capital Ship. A lot of the other ships I suggest are Gunships, Frigates and some Corvettes (the latter 2 of which are still HUGE compared to a YT Freighter). I'm not against some fudging, but currently, my suspension of disbelief with the scale in this mod is just too much for me. Even then, the Ships I chose in my Document are all still so wildly different in size that I wasn't completely satisfied with my choices. You may want to consider digging deeper into Wookiepedia to find enough ships around a particular size to keep a closer scale to the Player and Enemy Ships.
  3. Pick an Era: Pick an Era of Star Wars and stick with it. I wanted to redo this mod in (you guessed it) the Original Trilogy Era. Story-wise, the idea I wanted was that you play as a ship crew of the Rebel Alliance. You've been tasked with getting the Death Star Plans to the Rebels (this was before Rogue One, not that the Expanded Universe hadn't already had several "Death Star Plans Stealings" in it before with Kyle Katarn, some Twilek Chick, and other EU shenanigans, but I was going to ignore all that for this Mod). The Galactic Empire is chasing after you (so the basic FTL Mechanics of the Rebels chasing after the Federation didn't need much rework). The End Boss would've either been an Imperial Star Destroyer of some kind or the Death Star (the latter was way too silly, so likely wouldn't have happened). Your earlier ships would be Alliance-themed Ships, the later ones would be "Old" Republic and Separatists Ships (which the Alliance did use in the EU, but sparingly) and last would be Imperial Ships (which they rarely used). The ships you face should mostly be Pirate-themed Ships (so Hutt Cartel, Black Suns, old Separatist Ships) and of course Imperial Ships. The current Mod seems to go in this direction a bit, but I think more emphasis on Rebel Alliance vs Galactic Empire needs to be seen as opposed to "The Best of Star Wars".
  4. Update Events: More work needs done on updating the current FTL Events to fit Star Wars. Some could just use some Text Editing, while others feel out-of-character for Star Wars (FTL is themed much more around Star Trek then Star Wars, so it's to be expected). And Star Wars offers a wealth of ideas to add in terms of Events! I imagine the original Modder wanted to add more Events and just never got around to it before it was abandoned.

Just my 2 Cents, don't feel pressured to use any of this, but I certainly didn't want my brainstorming to go to waste.
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Re: [MOD]Star Wars V1.3.1.02

Postby werase9994 » Wed Oct 02, 2024 9:50 am

I got it! Thankstime calculator